「测不准」林子锋导演作品展映|上海站— 前 言 — Preface 经过20世纪量子革命,科学家发现微观粒子的各种性质只能成对测量,例如,位置和速度无论测量哪一个,都会导致另一个测量不准确。二者的精确性纠缠在一起,不能完全分离。 你看到的不一定是事实,你所知道的不一定是真相。当这个世界上出现了太多的“万万没想到”时,线性因果就失去了预测能力,即所谓「测不准」 「测不准」主题影展在上一次取得不错反响后,默雪联合艺术之桥空间、影像后宫,将在年末再度回归「测不准」主题影展 12月26日,周日,15:00,艺术之桥空间将放映林子锋导演的五部风格迥异的短片 After the quantum revolution of the 20th century, scientists discovered that the various properties of microscopic particles can only be measured in pairs; for example, whichever one of position and velocity is measured will result in an inaccurate measurement of the other. The precision of the two is entangled and cannot be completely separated. When the world has too many "never-events", linear causality loses its predictive power, which is called Uncertainty Principle. The Uncertainty Principle screening will return at Christmas. On December 26th, Sunday, 15:00, THE ARTS BRIDGE will screen five short films by Carlo Lin with different styles. 「测不准」影片预告混剪 日期:2021年12月26日(周日)15:00-16:40 地点:艺术之桥空间THE ARTS BRIDGE 上海市宝山区蕰川路6号智慧湾科创园C-1270 影片时长:77min 字幕语言:中英文 入场:限制人数50人,活动免费,需提前报名(报名链接在文末) 映后嘉宾:林子锋 Date: December 26, 2021 (Sunday) 15:00-16:40 — 映后嘉宾 — Post-screening Guests 林子锋 © Carlo Lin 林子锋,广东揭阳人,青年导演,上海戏剧学院戏剧影视学研究生,本科就读于华南农业大学城乡规划系和广播电视编导系,曾导演短片《上传者》《隔离之夜》《对窗》《黑潮》等 作品曾获伦敦超短片电影节最佳实验片,长三角微电影大赛最佳新人奖,提名维也纳时代脉搏电影节观众选择奖,金贝壳未来影像季最佳短片,入围澳门国际微电影节、北京酷儿影展、北京大学生电影节、冇MAO国际青年影像周、AME影像行动等 Carlo Lin, a young director and a graduate student of Shanghai Theatre Academy, has directed the short film "Quarantine", "Shanghai Windows" and "Disappearance". — 影片介绍 — Film Information RECOMMENDATION 黑潮 DISAPPEARANCE ©《黑潮》 余天今年读大四,在大城市读书的他有几年没回家了。隔阂在他和母亲(林洁华 饰)之间也不知怎地越来越大,他沉浸在自己的艺术梦想里,不务实际,但向来守旧的母亲却不理解。他的朋友们还是一样没变,还是一样的小镇青年,朋友嘘他将会是他们之间混的最有出息的,他自己却也深信不疑。他与妹妹讲,他会去大城市闯出一番天地…… Yu Tian is a senior student at a university. He has not returned home for a few years. The gap between him and his mother is somehow getting bigger and bigger. He is immersed in his artistic dreams, not practical, but the old-fashioned mother does not understand. His friends are still the same, still the same town youth, friends, he will be the most mixed between them, but he is also convinced. He told his sister that he would go to the big city to find some world. Regarding the future, what is “abandoning” and “chasing dreams”, everyone may have their own understanding, but the family is ultimately the home of the wanderer. RECOMMENDATION 老厝 MY PLACE ©《老厝》 RECOMMENDATION 对窗 SHANGHAI WINDOWS ©《对窗》 ©《对窗》 这部长镜头实验短片主要展示了一对生活在上海弄堂里的年轻人之间的争吵过程。生活的压力和一些双方家庭的要求让两人有了隔阂。对窗的中年夫妇看着他们,但好像他们也有自己的问题. This short film mainly shows a quarrel between young lovers who live in front of a window in Shanghai Nongtang. The pressure of life and the relationship between the two families create a gap between them. The local middle-aged couples on the other side of the window also seem to have their own problems. RECOMMENDATION 隔离之夜 QUARANTINE ©《隔离之夜》 ©《隔离之夜》 年轻的海归女导演在酒店隔离房度过了一个幻夜。
A story of a female director who spends a hallucinatory night in quarantine in a hotel. RECOMMENDATION 上传者 CONNECTOME ©《上传者》 ©《上传者》 (活动免费,因疫情防控原因,限制50人) 1、打开小程序,点击「测不准」影展报名通道,填写报名信息,报名即可。 2、在个人中心查看报名情况并现场出示,即可入场。 3、如报名后无法参加,请在活动开始前48小时在活动行内取消报名,否则影响日后的活动报名。 疫情防控期间温馨提示 (1)观演前14天内由疫情中高风险地区或其所属市来(返)上海的观众谢绝进场。 (2)行程码为绿码且来自上海市内的观众(指行程卡14天都在上海市内的观众),入场时不再需要出示核酸阴性证明。 (3)行程码为绿码且来自上海市外的观众(指行程卡14天内有上海市外城市记录的观众),入场时需出示48小时核酸阴性证明。 (4)疫情防控期间请您提前安排出行时间,建议开始前20分钟排队等候进场、签到。 (5)到达空间入口主动出示“随申码”和“行程卡”,并配合工作人员测量体温(不可超过37.3°),三者状态均未见异常,方可入场。 (6)进场后请全程佩戴口罩,排队过程中请保持1米以上距离。为减少聚集时间,演出结束后请按秩序离场,请勿拥挤、滞留。 默雪着力于关注电影新媒介与理论的力量, 关注我们,一起创作面向未来的作品 打破书店的传统概念,将出版、艺术和展览融为一体的艺术空间 若你对电影留学、电影活动、电影拍摄感兴趣 策展 默雪影像工作室 主办 艺术之桥空间 影像后宫 合作宣发 有为青年Film XY drama大学生戏剧平台 filmeducation 更多电影留学申请与电影活动 详情可扫描小宫老师头像咨询 校区地址: |