周五见!后宫X电影新作《画时间的人》广州见面会城市,有人坚守着,也有人选择逃离!就在本周五晚,独立导演陈志海携新作《画时间的人》,做客广州最具独立艺术气质的流动美术馆——农造治愈所。欢迎热爱独立电影的你,加入我们的电影大Party! 放映电影简介 Film Name: LET HER GO Category: Feature-length fiction Country of production: China Year of production: 2020 Runtime: 80 mins Directed by: Zhihai Chen 陈志海,编剧、导演,九三学社成员。毕业于中山大学哲学系,曾出版小说集《野兽时代》。2017年导演电影处女作《秋野春潮》入选第20届上海国际电影节、第27届金鸡百花电影节、第12届华语青年影像和第8届北京国际电影节,以及第14届中国独立影像展。2019年拍摄第二部剧情片《画时间的人》,2020年即将上映。 Zhihai Chen, Chinese independent director, gratuated from Sun Yat-Sen University, Philosophy Department, famous for his novel Beast Era in China, Self-directed film HOLIDAY, nominated for the 20thShanghai International Film Festival and the 8th Beijing International Film Festival, the 27th China Golden Rooster Film Festival, the 14th China Independent Film Festival, the 15th Asian Film Festival in Italy, the Movie scriptwon the outstanding script award in focus on the Chinese unit of the 2017 Venice Film Festival, live and work in Beijing and Guangzhou. |