ǎo International Film Week, hosted by Cinema Hougong, is thriving on representing the most ingenious indie film works made by youth directors and the most lively indie films to the audience. Meanwhile we desire to popularize local culture of Canton and to keep its uniqueness, together with some modern factors, such as cinema art.
We are in the earnest hope of your volunteering, for the best wishes you will enjoy this memorable summertime.
You can: To be the assistant in the film events
Subtitle Language Proofreading
English speakers 15; Cantonese speakers 10; Teochew speakers 10;Japanese speakers 8;German speakers 4;French speakers 4;Italian speakers 3;Spanish speakers 2;Greek speaker 1
You can: Proofread and check the language of subtitle in the films
礼仪组 Miss Etiquette/ Mr. Etiquette
You can: Responsible for the reception and accompanying of MIFW’s guests
Shooting and live streaming
You can: To shoot and record the film events ;to do the live streaming in the MIFW
You can: To do the Visual design during the MIFW
You can: To collect films and sort out the information about films and filmmakers
You can: Provide technical support and guarantee for watching films
You can: MIFW information integration and press releasing
What you can get:
The Volunteer Certification of MIFW
Practice experience of an international platform
A team work experience and Learn face to face with filmmakers and celebrities from around the world.
Outstanding volunteers will receive free film class tickets and preferential service of film study abroad instruction, which are developed exclusively by Cinema HouGong and gather a number of top domestic and foreign independent filmmakers.
Opening: 2021.04.18
Address: Guangzhou K11 16th floor
Deadline: 2021.03.19-04.23
Voluneering: 2021.04.23-07.25
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